
Is CB radio still used in UK?

The Revival of CB Radio in the UK

CB radio has a special place in UK history, especially when you think back to the 1980s when it felt like every other house had an aerial proudly mounted on its roof. While things have certainly quieted down since then, CB radio is still alive and well, with enough activity for a good conversation at almost any time of day.

What makes CB radio today particularly interesting is the way it has evolved into more of a community experience. With fewer people using it compared to the 80s, many enthusiasts now gather on hilltops across the country, forming groups to see just how far their signal can travel. These “net” gatherings bring people together, providing a fun way to connect over shared interests and enjoy the thrill of long-distance communication.

CB radio was, in many ways, the original social media. Today, it remains a friendly and welcoming community of people chatting locally, sharing stories, and staying connected. And every now and then, we experience what’s known as “sporadic E,” where signals travel much farther than usual, letting us hear and chat with users from other countries. It’s these unexpected moments that add a touch of magic to CB radio.

Curious what CB radio is like today? Check out the YouTube video below to get a feel for how this classic technology is still bringing people together in a digital age.


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